Megan Fockler, RN, MPH

Megan Fockler

Head Nurse

Megan Fockler (she/her) is an Advanced Practice Nurse in the DAN W&B Program’s High Risk Obstetrical Clinics.  In this role she supports families as they navigate pregnancy and postpartum care, including families being seen in the Twins/Multiples Clinic.  She is also the Education Coordinator for Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network, an Adjunct Lecturer at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto, and a Practice-Based Researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute.


Megan holds a HBSc and BScN from the University of Toronto and a MPH from the University of Waterloo.


Her clinical and research areas of interest include nursing education, pregnancy and infant loss, quality improvement, and ways to better prioritize and include the voices of patients/families in education and program planning.